Thursday, 5 November 2009

Quick and to the Point-less

This is random shit at the pinnacle of its game. This is so random it will make sense. This is so random I should probably start writing now.

So, GM isn't selling OPEL. That means 10000 people can kiss their jobs bye bye. Random huh?
And anyone see the U2 concert on YouTube? I loaded like 98% and then my power went. God seriously hates me. Speaking of God, Chelsea just went into the second round of the Champions League. Loserpoop is out. Eat shit, you Scouse Bastards. Merseyside can go die. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not alone.

Anyone else think India should be blown to tiny bits? They're like the lowest point of human civilization. I mean, when Bangladesh supports Pakistan in cricket against you, you know your foreign affairs dudes are gutter shit.

Well I said I'd keep this post short and to the point-less. I've tried hard. OK no I haven't. I've barely put 2 minutes of my otherwise pathetic and meaningless existence into this. But whatever.

That Guy says see you people in a month. I'll try and blog in Cuba or before I leave.
Sayonara, Adios and Aloha.

1 comment:

  1. "I mean, when Bangladesh supports Pakistan in cricket against you, you know your foreign affairs dudes are gutter shit." - LOL
